During your stay in Erfurt you may also want to find out more about the local region. There are many different locations and places of interest worth visiting and our holiday flat is indeed a perfect initial point from where to start from.
Weimar – European Capital of Culture 1999 – is located only 20 km away from Erfurt. Weimar is well known for its long history of culture and art as well as for its famous artists, philosophers and musicians – Goethe, Schiller, Herder, Bach, Liszt and many others lived here.
As another recommendation we would like to suggest a visit to “Drei Gleichen”, a castle complex, which is also only a little distance outside (20 km to the west of Erfurt). The castle complex is built up of three castles: “Burg Gleichen”, “Mühlburg” and “Veste Wachsenburg”. There is a lot to see and discover at “Drei Gleichen”. Taking a walk through the castle ruins is a fascinating and interesting experience in every season of the year.
World famous Wartburg at Eisenach is only an estimated 35 minute car drive away from Erfurt. Elizabeth of Hungary lived here and Martin Luther translated the New Testament from Latin into German. The festival of the German student league was held here and Richard Wagner wrote his romantic opera “Tannhäuser”.
Surrounded by tourist regions in the Thuringian Forest there are many other interesting places and towns like Meiningen with its famous theatre, Schmalkalden, along with the Renaissance castle “Wilhelmsburg”. Little town Ilmenau at “Goethewanderweg” can be visited as well as Suhl (known for its long history of gun production) and the oldest town of Thuringia, Arnstadt (puppet museum “Mon Plaisir”).
At Saalfeld you will have the opportunity to enter a stalactite cave that is known for its colored rocks. Close to the cave, another historical building is located: Castle “Heidecksburg”.
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